HOMOFON aneb dejte si pozor při tlumočení

18.6 2015
Homofony jsou zvukově shodná, ale graficky odlišná slova, jako např. led a let [let]. Říká se jim též „nepravá homonyma“. Vznikají vlivem tzv. neutralizace znělosti. Výslovnost konce slova před sebekratší pauzou je místem, kde nemůže být vyslovena znělá párová souhláska a nahrazuje ji nejbližší párový zvuk neznělý (např. ledem [ledem] x led [let]). (http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homofon)

Při tlumočení v nějakém obtížnějším prostředí (hluk, špatná výslovnost řečníka, ne-rodilý mluvčí....) se může stát, že si můžeme tato homonyma splést.

Pokud se však pečlivě připravíme na tlumočení, máme všechny podklady od zákazníka předem, mluvčí mluví s krásnou výslovností, technika nemá žádný šum, nemělo by se nám to stát.

Zde je pro ukázku pár homofonů z angličtiny:

accede (-s), exceed (-s)

accept (-s), except (-s)

acclamation, acclimation

ad (-s), add (-s), adze

addition (-s), edition (-s)

ade (-s), aid (-s), aide (-s)

adherence, adherents

admittance, admittants

adolescence, adolescents

aerie, airy

affect (-s), effect (-s)

aid, aide

aids, aides, [AIDS]

ail (-s), ale (-s)

air (-s), are (-s), 'ere, e'er, err (-s) , heir (-s)

aisle (-s), I'll, isle (-s)

all, awl

allowed, aloud

allude (-s), elude (-s)

allusion, elusion, illusion

allusive, elusive, illusive

altar (-s), alter (-s)

amend (-s), emend (-s)

analyst (-s), annalist (-s)

ant (-s), aunt (-s)

ante, anti, aunty

apatite (-s) [phosphate], appetite (-s)

appose (-s), oppose (-s)

arc (-s), ark (-s)

arrant, errant

ascent (-s), assent (-s)

assistance, assistants

ate, eight

attendance, attendants

auger (-s), augur (-s)

aught, ought

aural, oral

aureole (-s), oriole (-s)

auricle (-s), oracle (-s)

away, aweigh

awful, offal

axel (-s), axil (-s), axle (-s)

axes, axis

aye (-s), eye (-s), I

bad, bade

bail (-s), bale (-s)

bait (-s), bate (-s)

baize, bays

bald, balled, bawled

ball (-s), bawl (-s)

balm (-s), bomb (-s)

band, banned

bans, banns, bands

bard, barred

bare (-s), bear (-s)

bark (-s), barque (-s)

baron (-s), barren (-s)

barrel, beryl

base, bass

based, baste

bask, basque

baud, bawd

bay, bey

bazaar, bizarre

be, bee, [B]

beach (-es), beech (-es)

beat (-s), beet (-s)

beau, bow

been, bin

beer (-s), bier (-s)

beetle, betel

bell (-s), belle (-s)

belligerence, belligerents

benzene, benzine

berg, burg

berger, burger, burgher

bergle, burgle

berry (-ies), bury (-ies)

berth (-s), birth (-s)

better, bettor

bight (-s), bite (-s), byte (-s)

billed, build

bird, burd, burred

blend (-s), blende (-s)

blew, blue

bloc, block

boar (-s), bore (-s)

board, bored

boarder (-s), border (-s)

bobbin, bobbing

bocks, box

bode, bowed

bogey, bogie, bogy

bold, bolled, bowled

bolder, boulder

bole (-s), boll (-s), bowl (-s)

boos, booze

bootie, booty

born, borne

borough (-s), burro (-s), burrow (-s)

bough (-s), bow (-s)

bouillon, bullion

boulder, bolder

boy (-s), bouy (-s)

brae, bray

braid, brayed

brain (-s), brane (-s)

braise (-s), brays, braze (-s)

brake (-s), break (-s)

bread, bred

breach (-es), breech (-es)

brede (-s), breed (-s)

brewed, brood

brews, bruise

bridal, bridle

broom (-s), brougham (-s)

brows, browse

brr, burr

buccal, buckle

build, billed

burger (-s), burgher (-s)

burro (-s), burrow (-s)

bus (-es), buss (-es)

bussed, bust

but (-s), butt (-s)

buy (-s), by, bye (-s)

byre (-s), buyer (-s)

cache, cash

cachou (-s), cashew (-s)

calendar (-s), calender (-s)

calix (-es), calyx (-es)

calk (-s), caulk (-s)

call (-s), caul (-s), cawl (-s)

callous, callus

cam (-s), camb (-s)

canape (-s), canopy (-ies)

cane, cain

cannon (-s), canon (-s)

cant, can't

canter (-s), cantor (-s)

canvas (-es), canvass (-es)

capital, capitol

carat (-s), caret, carrot (-s), karat (-s)

carie, carry

caries, carries

carol (-s), carrel (-s), charol (-s)

cart (-s), [carte], kart (-s)

cask (-s), casque (-s)

cast (-s), caste (-s)

caster, castor

caudal, caudle

cause, caws

cedar (-s), seeder (-s)

cede (-s), seed (-s)

ceil (-s), seal (-s), seel (-s)

ceiling (-s), sealing (-s)

cell (-s), sell (-s)

cellar (-s), seller (-s)

cense, cents, scents, sense

censer (-s), censor (-s), sensor (-s)

census, senses

cent, scent, sent

cere (-s), sear (-s), seer (-s), sere

cereal (-s), serial (-s)

cession, session

cirrus, serous

cite (-s), sight (-s), site (-s)

cited, sighted, sited

clack (-s), claque (-s)

clause, claws

clew (-s), clue (-s)

click (-s), clique (-s), klick (-s)

climb (-s), clime (-s)

close, clothes

coal, kohl

coarse, corse, course

coat (-s), cote (-s)

coax, cokes

coffer (-s), cougher (-s)

coign (-s), coin (-s), quoin (-s)

collard, collared

colonel (-s), kernel (-s)

come (-s), cum (-s)

comedy, comity

competence, competents

complacence, complaisance

complacent, complaisant

complement (-s,-ary), compliment (-s,-ary)

conceded, conceited

concord, conquered

conch (-s), conk (-s)

continence, continents

coo (-s), coup (-s)

coop (-s), coupe (-s)

cops, copse

coquet, coquette

core, corps

correspondence, correspondents

cosher, kosher

cosign (-s), cosine (-s)

coulee, coolie, coolly

council (-s), counsel (-s)

councillor (-s), counselor (-s)

cousin (-s), cozen (-s)

coward, cowered, cowherd

crape (-s), crepe (-s)

creak (-s), creek (-s)

crewed, crude

crewel, cruel

crews, cruise, cruse

cubical, cubicle

cubit, qubit [quantum bit]

cue (-s), queue (-s), [Q]

currant (-s), current (-s)

curser (-s), cursor (-s)

cygnet (-s), signet (-s)

cymbal (-s), symbol (-s)

dain, deign

dam (-s), damn (-s)

days, daze

dean (-s), dene (-s)

dear, deer

deem (-s), deme (-s)

delinquence, delinquents

dense, dents

dental, dentil

dependence, dependents

depravation (-s), deprivation (-s)

descent (-s), dissent (-s)

deviance, deviants

devisor, divisor

dew (-s), do, due (-s)

dewed, dude

die (-s), dye (-s)

died, dyed

dine, dyne

dire, dyer

disburse (-s), disperse (-s)

discreet, discrete

discussed, disgust

dissidence, dissidents

djinn, gin

do ["re, mi"], doe, dough

doer, dour

does [f. deer], doze

done, dun

donjon, dungeon

dos ["dos and don'ts"], dues

dost, dust

dowiger (-s), dowitcher (-s)

draft (-s), draught (-s)

dray, drey

droop, drupe

dual, duel

ducked, duct

dyeing, dying

earn (-s), erne (-s), urn (-s)

eave (-s), eve (-s)

edition (viz addition)

e'er (viz air)

effect (viz affect)

eight (viz ate)

elicit, illicit

elude (-s), allude (-s)

elude (viz allude)

elusive (viz allusive)

emerge (-s), immerge (-s)

eminent, immanent, imminent

ensure, insure

epic (-s), epoch (-s)

equivalence, equivalents

'ere (viz air)

err (viz air)

errant (viz arrant)

erupt (-s), irrupt (-s)

eruption, irruption

ewe (-s), yew (-s), you

ewes, use, yews

exceed (viz accede)

except (viz accept)

exercise (-s), exorcise (-s)

existence, existents

extravagance, extravagants

eye (viz aye)

eye (viz aye)

eyed, I'd, ide

eyelet (-s), islet (-s)

facts, fax

fail, faille

fain, fane, feign

faint (-s), feint (-s)

fair (-s), fare (-s)

fairy, ferry

faker (-s), fakir (-s)

fate, fete

faun (-s), fawn (-s)

fay, fey

faze (-s), phase (-s)

fear (-s), fere (-s)

feat, feet

fends, fens

fern, firn

ferule, ferrule

feudal, futile

file (-s), phial (-s)

fill, faille

filter, philtre

finally, finely

find, fined

fir (-s), fur

fisher (-s), fissure (-s)

flacks, flax

flair (-s), flare (-s)

flea (-s), flee (-s)

flecks, flex

flew, flu (-s), flue (-s)

flocks, phlox

floe (-s), flow (-s)

flour (-s), flower (-s)

foaled, fold

for, fore, four

forbear, forebear

forego (-s), forgo (-s)

foreword, forward

formally, formerly

forth, fourth

foul (-s), fowl (-s)

'fraid, frayed

franc, frank

frays, phrase

frees, freeze (-s), frieze (-s)

friar, fryer

fungous, fungus

furs, furze

fussed, fust

gaff, gaffe

gage, gauge

gait (-s), gate (-s)

gamble (-s), gambol (-s)

gang, gangue

gays, gaze

gel (-s), jell (-s)

gene (-s), jean (-s)

gibe (-s), jibe (-s)

gild, gilled, guild

gilt, guilt

gin (viz djinn)

glair (-s), glare (-s)

glutenous, glutinous

gnaw, naw

gneiss, nice

gnomic, nomic

gnu (-s), knew, new (-s)

goaled, gold

gored, gourd

gorgeous, gorges

gorilla, guerrilla

grade, grayed

grate, great

grays, graze

grip, grippe

grisly, gristly , grizzly

groan, grown

grocer, grosser

guarantee, guaranty

guest, guessed

guide, guyed

guise, guys

gyre, jire

hail, hale

hair (-s), hare (-s)

hairier, harrier

hairy, harry

hall, haul

hallo, hallow

halve, have

handsome, hansom

hangar (-s), hanger (-s)

hardy, hearty

hart (-s), heart (-s)

hay, hey

hays, haze

heal (-s), heel (-s), he'll

hear, here

heard, herd

he'd, heed, heid

heir (viz air)

heroin, heroine

hertz, hurts

hew (-s), hue (-s)

hi, hie, high

hide, hied

higher, hire

him, hymn

ho, hoe

hoar, whore

hoard, horde, whored

hoarse, horse

hoes, hose

hold, holed

hole (-s), whole (-s)

holey, holy, wholly

hoop, whoop

hostel, hostile

hour (-s), our (-s)

humerus, humorous

hurdle, hurtle

chance, chants

chard, charred

chary, cherry

chased, chaste

cheap, cheep

chews, choose

chic, sheik

chili, chilly, [Chile]

choir (-s), quire (-s)

choler, collar

choral (-s), coral (-s)

chorale (-s), corral (-s)

chord (-s), cord (-s), cored

chordate, cordate

chott (-s), shot (-s)

chough (-s), chuff (-s)

chronical, chronicle

chute (-s), shoot (-s)

I (viz aye)

I'd (viz eyed)

ide (viz eyed)

idyl (-s), idyll (-s), idle (-s), idol (-s)

ileum, ilium

I'll (viz aisle)

illicit (viz elicit)

illusive (viz allusive)

immanent, imminent (viz eminent)

immerge (viz emerge)

impassable, impassible

impatience, impatiens

in, inn

incidence, incidents

incite, insight

independence, independents

indict (-s), indite (-s)

indigence, indigents

inequity, iniquity

innocence, innocents

instance, instants

insure (viz ensure)

intense, intents

irrupt (viz erupt)

irruption (viz eruption)

isle (viz aisle)

its, it's

jalousie, jealousy

jam (-s), jamb (-s)

jean (viz gene)

jell (viz gel)

jibe (viz gibe)

jinks, jinx

jire (viz gyre)

karat (viz carat)

kart (viz cart)

kernel (viz colonel)

key (-s), quay (-s)

klick (viz click)

knap, nap

knave (-s), nave (-s)

knead (-s), knee'd, need (-s)

knew (viz gnu)

knick (-s), nick (-s)

knicker (-s), nicker (-s)

knicks (obs. rare), nicks, nix

knight (-s), night (-s)

knit (-s), nit (-s)

knob (-s), nob (-s)

knock (-s), nock (-s)

knot, not

know, no, noh

knows, noes, nose

kohl (viz coal)

kosher (viz cosher)

laager (-s), lager (-s)

lac, lack

lacks, lax

ladder, latter

lain, lane

lair (-s), layer (-s)

lam, lamb

lama, llama

laps, lapse

lase, lays, laze, leis

laser, lazar

lay, lei, ley

lea, lee

lead, led

leader, lieder, liter

leaf, lief

leach (-es), leech (-es)

leak (-s), leek (-s)

lean (-s), lien (-s)

leased, least

lends, lens

lessen, lesson

lesser, lessor

levee, levy

liable, libel

liar (-s), lyre (-s)

licker, liquor

lickerish, licorice

lie (-s), lye (-s)

lightening, lightning

lichen, liken

limb (-s), limn (-s)

linch, lynch

links, lynx

literal, littoral

lo, low

load (-s), lode (-s), lowed

loan, lone

locks, lox

loop, loupe

loot (-s), lute (-s)

macks, max

madder, matter

made, maid

magnate (-s), magnet (-s)

mail (-s), male (-s)

main, mane

maize, mase, mays, maze

mall (-s), maul (-s)

mall, maul

manikin, mannequin, [manakin]

manner, manor

mantle, mantel

mare (-s), mayor (-s)

marchal, marshal (-s), marshall (-s), martial

marquee, marquis

marten, martin

maser, mazer

mask, masque

massed, mast

mat, matte

me, mi ["do, re"]

mead, meed

mean (-s), mein (-s)

meat (-s), meet (-s), mete (-s)

medal (-s), meddle (-s), metal (-s), mettle (-s)

meddler (-s), medlar (-s)

men's, mends

mewl, mule

mews, muse

mho, mow

micks, mix

middy, midi

might, mite

mil, mill

mild, miled

millenary, millinery

mince, mints

mind, mined

miner, minor

minks, minx

missal, missile

missed, mist

moan, mown

moat (-s), mote (-s)

mode, mowed

mold (-s), mould (-s)

mood, mooed

moor, more

moose, mousse

mordant, mordent

morn, mourn

morning, mourning

mortar, morter

mucous, mucus

muscle, mussel

mussed, must, musth

mustard, mustered

nap (viz knap)

naval, navel

nave (viz knave)

naw (viz gnaw)

nay (-s), neigh (-s), nee

need (viz knead)

new (viz gnu)

nice (viz gneiss)

nick (viz knick)

nickers (viz knickers)

nicks (viz knicks)

night (viz knight)

nit (viz knit)

nix (viz knicks)

no (viz know)

nob (viz knob)

nock (viz knock)

noes (viz knows)

nomic (viz gnomic)

none, nun

nose (viz knows)

not (viz knot)

o, oh, owe

oar (-s), o'er, or, ore (-s)

odder, otter

ode, owed

offal (viz awful)

one, won

oppose (viz appose)

oracle (viz auricle)

oral (viz aural)

ordinance, ordnance

oriole (viz aureole)

ought (viz aught)

our (viz hour)

overdo, overdue

oversea (-s), oversee (-s)

paced, paste

packed, pact

paean (-s), peon (-s)

pail (-s), pale (-s)

pain (-s), pane (-s)

pair (-s), pare (-s), payor (-s) , pear (-s),

palate (-s), palette (-s), pallet (-s), pallette (-s)

pall, pawl

parish, perish

parity (-ies), parody (-ies)

passable, passible

passed, past

patience, patients

pause, paws

pea (-s, -se), pee (-s), [P]

peace, piece

peak (-s), peek (-s), pique (-s)

peal (-s), peel (-s)

pearl (-s), purl (-s)

peas, pease, pees

pect, pecked

pedal (-s), peddle (-s)

peer (-s), pier (-s)

pence, pents

pend, penned

pendant, pendent

pendants, pendence

pends, pens

penitence, penitents

per, purr

petit, petty

petrel, petrol

phase (viz faze)

phial (viz file)

philter (viz filter)

phlox (viz flocks)

phosphorous, phosphorus

phrase (viz frays)

pi, pie

pica, pika

picks, pix

pidgin, pigeon

pinion, pinon

pistel, pistol

place, plaice

plain (-s), plane (-s)

plaintiff, plaintive

plait (-s), plate (-s)

plantar (-s), planter (-s)

pleas, please

plough (-s), plow (-s)

plum (-s), plumb (-s)

pocks, pox

pole (-s), poll (-s)

policlinic, polyclinic

politic (-s), politick (-s)

poor, pore (-s), pour (-s)

populace, populous

praise, prays, preys

pray (-s), prey (-s)

precedence, precedents

presence, presents

pride, pried

pries, prise, prize

prince, prints

principal (-s), principle (-s)

prior, pryer

profit (-s), prophet (-s)

pros, prose

psalter, salter

pupal (-s), pupil (-s)

puttee, putty

quarts, quartz

quay (viz key)

qubit (viz cubit)

quean (-s), queen (-s)

queue (viz cue)

quince, quints

quoin (viz coin)

rabbet, rabbit

rack, wrack

radical (-s), radicle (-s)

rain (-s), reign (-s), rein (-s)

raise (-s), rays, raze (-s)

raiser, razor

rancor, ranker

rap (-s), wrap (-s)

rapped, rapt, wrapped

re ["do, re"], ray

read (-s), reed (-s)

read, red

real, reel

recede (-s), reseed (-s)

receipt (-s), reseat (-s)

reck, wreck

reek (-s), wreak (-s)

reference, referents

rends, wrens

residence, residents

rest (-s), wrest (-s)

retch (-es), wretch (-es)

review (-s), revue (-s)

rex, wrecks

rheum (-y), room (-y)

rho, roe, row

rhyme (-s), rime (-s)

rigger, rigor

right (-s), rite(-s), wright (-s), write(-s)

righting, writing

ring (-s), wring (-s)

ringer (-s), wringer (-s)

rise, ryes

road, rode, rowed

roc (-s), rock (-s)

roil, royal

role (-s), roll (-s)

rood, rude, rued

roomer (-s), rumor (-s)

roomer, rumor

root (-s), route (-s)

rose, rows

rote, wrote

rough, ruff

rouse, rows

rout (-s), route (-s)

rued, rude

rues, ruse

rung, wrung

rye, wry

sac (-s), sack (-s), sax

sachet, sashay

sail (-s), sale (-s)

salter (viz psalter)

sane, seine

saver, savor

scarf, scarph

scene, seen

scent (viz cent)

scents, sense

scull (-s), skull (-s)

sea, see, [C]

seal (viz ceil)

sealing (viz ceiling)

seam (-s), seem (-s)

seaman, seamen, semen

sear (viz cere)

seas, sees, seize, [C's]

season, seisin

sects, sex

seed (viz cede)

seeder (viz cedar)

seel (viz ceil) seer (viz cere)

sell (viz cell)

seller (viz cellar)

senses (viz census)

sensor (viz censer)

sent (viz cent)

sequence, sequents

sere (viz cere)

serf (-s), surf (-s)

serge, surge

serial (viz cereal)

serous (viz cirrus)

set (-s), sett (-s)

sew, so, sow

sewn, sown

shear, sheer

sheik (viz chic)

shew (-s), shoe (-s), shoo (-s)

shier, shyer, shire

shone, shown

shoot (viz chute)

shot (viz chott)

sic, sick

sics ["sics a dog on one"], six

side, sighed

sigher, sire

sighs, size

sight (viz cite)

sighted (viz cited)

sign (-s), sine (-s)

signet (viz cygnet)

silicon, silicone

sink, sync

site (viz cite)

sited (viz cited)

slay (-s), sleigh (-s)

sleight (-s), slight (-s)

slew, slough

sloe, slow

soar (-s), sore (-s)

soared, sword

socks, sox

sol, sole (-s), soul (-s)

sold, soled, souled

some, sum

son (-s), sun (-s)

sonny, sunny

sordid, sorted

spade, spayed

staff, staph

staid, stayed

stair (-s), stare (-s)

stake (-s), steak (-s)

statice (-s), status (-es)

stationary, stationery

steal (-s), steel (-s)

step (-s), steppe (-s)

stile (-s), style (-s)

stoop (-s), stoup (-s)

straight (-s), strait (-s)

succor (-s), sucker (-s)

suede, swayed

suer, sewer

suite (-s), sweet (-s)

summary, summery

sundae (-s), sunday (-s)

surplice (-s), surplus (-s)

symbol (viz cymbal)

tacet, tacit

tack, taque

tacked, tact

tacks, tax

tale (-s), tail (-s)

talesman, talisman

taper (-s), tapir (-s)

tare (-s), tear (-s)

tarry, terry

taught, taut

taupe, tope

tea, tee, ti ["do, re"], [T]

team (-s), teem (-s)

tear (-s), tier (-s)

teas, tease, tees

tends, tens

tense, tents

tenser, tensor

tern (-s), turn (-s)

ternary, turnery

the, thee

their, there, they're

theirs, there's

therefor, therefore

threw, through

throe (-s), throw (-s)

throne, thrown

thyme, time

tic (-s), tick (-s)

tide, tied

tighten, titan

timber, timbre

to, too, two

toad, toed, towed

toad, toed, towed

tocsin (-s), toxin (-s)

toe (-s), tow (-s)

toke, toque

told, tolled

ton (-s), tonne (-s), tun (-s)

tongue, tung (-s)

tool, tulle

tor, tore

tort (-s), torte (-s)

toughed, tuft

tracked, tract

trader (-s), traitor (-s)

tray, trey

troop (-s), troupe (-s)

trooper (-s), trouper (-s)

trussed, trust

tucks, tux

udder (-s), utter (-s)

undo, undue

urn (viz earn)

use (viz ewes)

vain, vane (-s), vein (-s)

valance, valence

vale (-s), veil (-s)

valiance, valiants

variance, variants

vary, very

vellum, velum

veracious, voracious

verdure, verger

verses, versus

vial, vile, viol

vice, vise

villain, villein

virtu, virtue

viscous, viscus

wacks, wax, whacks [WACS]

wade, weighed

wail (-s), wale, whale (-s)

wain, wane

waist (-s), waste (-s)

wait (-s), weight (-s)

waive (-s), wave (-s)

waiver (-s), waver (-s)

walk (-s), wok (-s)

war, wore

ward, warred

ware, wear, where

warn, worn

wart, wort

watt, what

way (-s), weigh (-s), whey

we, wee

weak, week

weal, we'll, wheal, wheel

weald, wheeled

wean, ween

wear, where

weather, wether, whether

weave, we've

we'd, weed

weir, we're

weld, welled

wen, when

wet (-s), whet (-s)

whig (-s), wig (-s)

which, witch

while, wile

whin, win

whine (-s), wine (-s)

whined, wind [the verb], wined

whirled, whorled, world

whirred, word

whit, wit

white (-s), wight (-s), wite

whither, wither

whoa, woe

whole (viz hole)

wholly (viz holy)

whore (viz hoar)

whored (viz hoard, horde)

whose, who's

whys, wise

wield, wheeled

wind, wined

winds, wins

won (viz one)

wood, would

worst, wurst

wrack (viz rack)

wrap (viz rap)

wrapped (viz rapt)

wreak (viz reek)

wreck (viz reck)

wrecks (viz rex)

wrens (viz rends)

wrest (viz rest)

wretch (viz retch)

wright (viz right)

wring (viz ring)

wringer (viz ringer)

write (viz right)

writing (viz righting)

wrote (viz rote)

wry (viz rye)

yew (viz ewe)

yews (viz ewes)

yoke, yolk

yore, your, you're

you (viz ewe)

you'll, yule

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European Commission International Federation of Translators Asociace konferenčních tlumočníků v ČR Komora soudních tlumočníků ČR Česká komora tlumočníků znakového jazyka Obec překladatelů Svaz českých knihkupců a nakladatelů Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Filozofická fakulta UMB v Banskej Bystrici Svět knihy Opus arabicum Slovenská spoločnosť prekladateľov odbornej literatúry Pražský Literární Dům iLiteratura STAR Group Paraple Centrum


JTP je nezávislá, dobrovolná, profesní organizace profesionálních tlumočníků a překladatelů otevřená všem, kteří chtějí podpořit její činnost. JTP byla založena v roce 1990, aby hájila profesní, pracovně právní a sociální zájmy svých řádných členů, napomáhala jim k dalšímu vzdělávání, propagovala je na trhu práce a informovala je o pracovních příležitostech. JTP dbá na povznesení společenské prestiže profese i kvality překladu a tlumočení. JTP je členem Mezinárodní federace překladatelů FIT.



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