We would like to inform you that EU financing programmes are generally not in the form of direct aid paid by the Commission to individuals or enterprises. Instead, aid is normally channelled through local, regional or national authorities, as well as through financial intermediaries, such as banks and venture capital organisations. Such bodies are closer to the final beneficiaries and
are therefore well qualified to judge their needs on a local basis.
These organisations are also in a good position to check that aid is paid out correctly in conformity with the programmes being operated on behalf of the Commission.
Generally, the best way to start research whether there are any EU or national programmes able to help with the financing of a project is to contact the Enterprise Europe Network. They can guide you through the range of EU and local aids which may be available in your area. They will then inform you on how any possibilities can be followed up.
Through this webpage you can find contact details of the network partner in Czech Republic:
http://www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/about/branches/CZ/ One more interesting link is Your Europe website with a section on access to finance in Czech Republic:
http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/business/finance-support/access-to-finance/czech-republic/index_cs.htm You might also want to check the European Small Business Portal - "Obtaining funding":