01.1 2017
Editorial: the guide Překlady a jak na to (Translation - Getting it Right) 3
The Murderous History of Bible Translations, or: Forgive Us Our Syntax G.Hargreaves, B. Stejskalová 5
More from the ITI Bulletin 5
St. Jerome’s Days 2016 6
One feature from St. Jerome’s Days 2016 B. Stejskalová 8
A day in the European Parliament Czech Chamber of Sign Language Interpreters 9
Special features of etiquette in the international setting P. Trusina 11
Lectures and workshop for interpreters of Polish (and not only them) 12
An excursion with our patron saint to the house of the writer Karel Čapek 13
A mass for interpreters and translators 14
The anniversary of Dvořák’s wedding (not a round figure, but still worth celebrating) 14
A visit to Sternberg Palace to see paintings of our patron saint B. Stejskalová 15
The joys and sorrows of interpreting III. Z. Hrdlička 16
The Josef Jungmann Prize 21
The 22nd František Filipovský Prizes for the best dubbing performances 21
The State Prize for Translation 21
XVth international conference on ‘Specialist Communication in a United Europe’ J. Vedral 22
Translating Europe Forum 2016 S. Kyselová 23
Cultural anniversaries M. Uličný 25
Recommended minimum rates for translation and interpreting for 2017 28
Recommended contractual conditions for interpreting 33
Fractures J. Vedral 34
First honorary members of ASKOT M. Staša 35
Icelandic-Czech Study Dictionary A. Chejn & coll. 36
Dictionary of the Year 37
Dely’s tips for daytrips 15, 16 D. Serrano 38
Brexit Strategy for translators and interpreters? F. Colborne, B. Stejskalová 39
Other recent (or forthcoming) publications … A. Šourková 40