11.9 2016
St. Jerome Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641)
St. Jerome Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)
Remembering St. Jerome this autumn
JTP invites you to its autumn events
Programme of St. Jerome’s Days 2016
Translation studies: literature. New Insights in the History of Interpreting I. Čeňková
The joys and sorrows of interpreting II. Z. Hrdlička
Interpreters’ views on interpreting for the deaf E. Nehasilová
Annual General Meeting in the Šumava Mountains
The problem of homonyms in translating J. R. Beneš
What gender is a computer?
Birds on the Vltava radio station and throughout the world broadcast live
The František Filipovský Prizes for the best artistic and acting performances in the field of film and television dubbing
Translators and interpreters on the internet J. Vedral
Final get-together before the summer at Šárka’s
Autumn Book Trade Fair in Havlíčkův Brod
Nihil nocere – practical notes on interpreting between English and Czech at medical conferences J. Dvořáková
XVth international conference on ‘Specialist Communication in a United Europe’
Czech-German terminological seminar: Terminology in selected areas of criminal law
Anna A. Berkovová and Naděžda A. Tolokonniková at a Bubeničky literary evening
Dely’s tips for daytrips 11, 12, 13, 14 D. Serrano
Other recent (or forthcoming) publications … A. Šourková
Three lectures for interpreters
Presentation of a new Polish dictionary in Prague (J. Baluch and P. Gierowski: Czesko-polski słownik terminów literackich) K. Filgasová
Lingea: Prague – Inspiration for a Visit (review) M. Herold